Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

Recriminations grow over airline costs

The monopoly on violence and the perceived "authority" of government undermines people's independence and responsibility--and regulatory ability

Government is an unnecessary evil

What part of your life do you want someone else to govern?

The Story Of Your Enslavement by Stefan Molyneux

California Man Fights Legal Battle to Keep His Own Backyard by William La Jeunesse

"Without property rights, no other rights are possible" Ayn Rand

Most intellectuals have been trained to be obedient--and controlling

Five Reasons Why Libertarians Shouldn't Hate Government: Plus, Five Big Projects That Went Well and Five That Were Disasters by William D. Eggers & John O'Leary

Don't be a Kool-Aid (or Flavor Aid) drinker:

There's no such thing as a necessary evil; coercion and violence against the innocent is evil, no matter who commits it

Mass compliance leads to mass coercion by government; thus, get organized and stop complying

Proof positive that nothing government does is useful: None of it is funded voluntarily!

When you're forced to do something, it doesn't foster your independent judgment

bumper music "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who

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