Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.
Complete Liberty audiobook Preface and Chapter 1

This covers the Preface and the first chapter, which is titled "WHY POLITICS IS SO CONFUSING." It contains the following sections:
Politics In Mid-Stream
The Timeless Allure Of Communism
America, The Land Of Political Opinions Shaped By The State

The bumper music for this episode comes from an electronic song titled "MATRIX_Trinity_reload_." Unfortunately, I couldn't track down the artist (or mixer) for this one, though I could for the rest of the songs used in all the other episodes. Btw, I downloaded all of them freely from the old website many years ago.

Visit the book's website at in order to download the ebook for free or purchase the softcover edition, as well as to join the forum (which is dedicated to brainstorming ways to attain complete liberty asap).

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