Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

Is Evil Necessary? - Lost Liberty Café by Joey Carlisle
Changing the name for "government" won't get rid of its extortion racket and other rights violations...
FDR's 'Statism is Dead' makes the Freedom Force Report for June and July 2009
CRISIS AND LEVIATHAN: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs
When government violates your person and property, who protects you?
The boogeyman of anarchy (fear) prevents people from thinking critically
A stateless society will have FAR less criminality, courtesy of property owners and a justice-oriented culture
Real security is provided by other people in the marketplace
Those who fear the alleged ills of anarchism are those who embrace and perpetuate the vast ills of statism
It's the perceived legitimacy granted to the warlords and gangsters in government that matters most
Withdraw your moral sanction, and Colossus will be destined fall...
The Political Thought of Étienne de La Boétie
If God were to exist, why would he/it allow evil? Ah, the "free will" escape hatch!
Beware philosophizing in midstream--the realm of supernatural metaphysics (non-perception, non-consciousness, non-reason)
Moral Orel theme song -
Faith is setting aside reason and what you know to be true
You were told to believe in and take bites out of "invisible apples," as Stefan Molyneux has astutely noted:
also in the book Real-Time Relationships: The Logic of Love by Stefan Molyneux
Omniscience, omnipotence, and infallibility are invalid concepts (impossible)
Religion is a primitive form of philosophy -
We must use our (fallible) senses in concert with reason to understand more and more of reality
Understanding emotions is key:
Religion gives every grown adult a pass for the evils that they perpetrate (because evil's in our "nature")
Evil defined: To initiate force, which nullifies the choices of a sovereign consciousness
Evasion is the precursor to evil actions -
~40% out-of-wedlock births, from Taking Marriage Private By Stephanie Coontz -
Fear of not being able to survive and lack of self-esteem contribute to the meme of "necessary evil"
In survival mode, morality is most needed, so that no one is sacrificed
The phenomenon of the State is our real-life lifeboat situation
Survival "at all costs" is the nature of statism
It's heroic for a kid to contradict the irrationality of his or her parents
To assert oneself, regardless of one's age, means stating plain facts and spurning nonsense
The "benefits" derived from governmental "services" are illusory; it's vital to focus on the immense, unseen benefits of complete liberty
Ethic of Liberty - Title Transfer Theory 19. PROPERTY RIGHTS AND THE THEORY OF CONTRACTS by Murray Rothbard
A kangaroo court (governmental court) is one in which the judge and plaintiff (prosecutor) work for the same organization
A fair trial is impossible in governmental courts; see
No Charge: In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can Stretch On for Years by ASHBY JONES
In a valid contract, you cannot logically impose a penalty of slavery for breach; volition is inalienable
The Nature of Contracts -
There are no necessary evils
bumper music "Lives In The Balance" by Jackson Browne

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Truth, reality, and reason are on the side of liberty
Tyranny, oppression, and slavery are on the side of government
A "voluntary military" is part of the pr scheme
The coercive means of government become the ends
All non-objective philosophies are the philosophies of death
If everyone worked for the government, rendering us helpless dependents, would our problems be solved?
Government fosters rampant irresponsibility, in which people are encouraged to live at others' expense
"Because I said so!" and shirking responsibility are the methods of military operation
Individual autonomy is shunned under command and control "management"
The Prussian educational system was designed to foster blind obedience to authority
Democracy is the worst form of government when it comes to the war machine
Reflections on State and War by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Political Economy of Monarchy and Democracy, and the Idea of a Natural Order by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
McNamara: From the Tokyo Firestorm to the World Bank by Alexander Cockburn
Robert S. McNamara, Architect of a Futile War, Dies at 93 by Tim Weiner
McNamara’s Other Debacle by James Bovard
Nobody in the military wants to see themselves as a slave--even though the military enslaves people
The defensive process of rationalization helps to assuage people's crisis of conscience raises people's awareness and creates cognitive dissonance in authoritarian sociopaths
Deficit "financing" of war is assisted by means of massive propaganda
Dispute over flag protest erupts in Wisc. village by Robert Imrie
People who are taught to worship symbols form their identity around them and thus attack others who desecrate them
The bare minimum requirement for complete liberty is respect for private property rights
"We're fighting for your freedom" is the favorite military mantra
Freedom, security, and economic stability are always jeopardized by governments and their militaries
Where do people in government derive their jurisdiction? Nowhere. Jurisdiction is a property rights issue
When the State is seen as a parental figure, people will obey it, in principle
Are the guys in GTMO POWs? Nope. They are in legal no-man's land, where there isn't a scintilla of justice
Disturbing documentary about the "war on terror" and statism, "Taxi To The Dark Side" - Trailer
full film, though link may become defunct at some point -
U.S. military interventionism fosters blowback from people who resent the death and destruction being wrought upon them
Dying To Win: The Strategic Logic Of Suicide Terrorism by Robert Pape
The collectivistic "we" makes despicable actions seem okay; groupthink fosters irresponsible and evil acts
Objectivist Goose-Stepping -
Security pertains to respect for property rights, and so government is always anti-security because it violates property rights
Corporations are also part of the public sector and thus benefit from statism
Words of wisdom by Smedley Butler -
Militaries, being inherently communistic in nature, are also colossal wastes of money and resources
No communistic organization, no military, can defend people in the (supposedly free) marketplace
The false beliefs in religion and statism encourage people to use emotions as defensive tools
Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation
People use statist and collectivist propaganda as a crutch for authentic self-esteem
The tribal premise is the nature of statism -
Keeping attuned to the moral argument in the midst of contradictory pragmatic arguments is key
The Concept of Necessary Evil Explored by Joey Carlisle
Most lifeboat situations are pretty fanciful
Politics works by trying to make the violence less visible--and putting people in survival mode
Individuals in the military oftentimes drop the context of their plight
Sacrifice in not a virtue -
It's important to acknowledge and communicate feelings so as to keep aligned with your chosen values
People better recognize political evil by virtue of those who refuse to comply
A statist military isn't a service by any stretch of the imagination
Free your mind; On Truth: The Tyranny of Illusion by Stefan Molyneux
People most fear the social consequences of disagreement, the slave-on-slave violence
Follow the money trail, and the umbilical cord to the State
bumper music "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy

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The best pedogogy fosters intrinsic motivation and respects the will of the learner
Challenging the bureaucrats on their methods of immorality...
The institution of government blinds people to its coercive nature, so ingrained it is
Activism must be accompanied with education
Caller ridicules free staters, but questions the nature of the statist system (first few mins of clip)
People putting the pieces of the statist puzzle together, only to reject the final product (and what it implies for their beliefs and behavior)
Passing principled moral judgment in the realm of statism can be scary, which explains why most avoid it
Stephen Colbert vs Ayn Rand?
If people had the freedom to make their own choices, would they starve?
Should self-interest and economic efficiency be favored over governmental coercion and its expropriated "safety net"?
Government is the complete invitation for the abdication of moral responsibility
From each according to their ability to each according to their need, the Marxist death knell for any economy
Central governmental planning has resulted in millions of deaths
A coercive social "safety net" is immoral and unjust and encourage self-responsibility
Selflessness is not virtuous, but those in government pretend that it is
Governmental programs basically create excuses to perpetuate themselves
The present form of tyranny, the status quo, is the real evil that plagues us, not the supposed evildoers abroad
"We" don't need "national defense"
Libertarian Accusations by Ayn R Key
Accusations against liberty-lovers as selfish, greedy, or arrogant are merely the projections of the accusers
The philosophy of pragmatism dispenses with rational moral principles and upholds self-sacrifice and collectivism
Statist intellectuals are the new high priests asserting the divine right of Kings (governments)
Pragmatism, being philosophically bankrupt, adopts the ethics of altruism, the ethics of self-sacrifice and collectivism
Open letter from Edward-Lewis and Elaine-Alice Brown
Using mystical concepts to forward freedom ideas confuses rather than clarifies
The mafia must envy those in the governmental "justice system"...if they only had a flag
Governmental courts practice the unscience of injustice, as Lysander Spooner noted eloquently
A government is not a corporation; a corporation is an extension (legal fiction) of government
People's compliance with governmental edicts tends to foster the illusion that they're voluntary
High cost of texting, one big example of the costs of fascism in the telco industry...
What Carriers Aren’t Eager to Tell You About Texting
Government "works" by concentrating the benefits and dispersing the costs
The 4th of July: Collective Independence Day!...replacing one despotic government with an even worse government
One of the main problems with Democracy is that everyone has their own version of "representation"
The best way is the present way, so says pragmatism
Meet (and obey) your new mommy/daddy: Government
You can't opt out of a system that is inherently collectivistic
Can anyone really be an individual in the matrix called America?
The good-end-justifies-coercive-means-argument predominates our culture
It's wrong to aggress against a person and their property; 2+2=4
Clarifying the coercive nature of government and using the moral argument are key
When you were little, did you really experience making your own choices as a respected person?
The best "politics" can do is offer you bad choices based on the central planning premise
The family is the place where people learn to associate arbitrary power with protection, welfare, and love
Thus, the State
If persons don't have a firm belief in their self-worth, changing their mindset becomes quite difficult
Pseudo self-esteem results in all sorts of dysfunctional and disrespectful behavior
bumper music "The Way It Is" by Tesla

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The complete liberty message is about your own individuality and making your own choices
Government consists of individuals who claim to have rights that others do not, which is the ultimate moral contradiction
Government by definition is coercive and monopolistic
Self-government stems from self-initiated and self-regulated action, i.e., making your own decisions
No one should have a superior claim to your life and property!
Obeying "authority" stems from corrupt family environments; "citizens" are children of the State
Leaps of faith require suspension of awareness, reason, rationality, essentially your own independent judgment
Seeing children as irresponsible (not able to make good decisions) is merely self-fullfilling prophecy
Honoring the rational faculty and ability of kids means respecting their self-responsibility
Principles and Politics: Like Oil and Water by Randall Holcombe
Principled politicians is oxymoronic
The political process is completely disconnected from self-responsibility
People in government are not valid agents; they are not engaged in voluntary association with people in the marketplace; rather, they are engaged in racketeering and extortion
Don't feed the beast of government by filling out their paperwork "voluntarily"; this is not voluntary, contrary to what Harry Reid wants you to believe:
Paying income tax in America is Voluntary
Define terms, so that moral double standards are fully exposed
Good question to ask statists: How do you live with such moral double standards
Strategies For Advancing Liberty — Building Alternative Structures To Government by Brad Warbiany
Just getting rid of the consequence of ideas (government) won't do; one must strike the ideological root
No civilized society can have taxation; all societies that tax are not civilized
Minimal self-respect means minimal respect for others
"Supreme Court" people are no different than the rest of us (except that they clearly don't understand natural and objective law)
No liberty lover should continue in efforts to work within government
It's important to use logic to understand one's beliefs and actions, so that one doesn't promote contradictions, i.e., things that defy the facts of reality
Empiricism mustn't be pursued at the expense of rationality; gathering evidence to determine a principle begs the question of the principle
People seem to naturally act contrary to what they profess; congruence is a challenge for all of us
Economic Means to Freedom - Part X by Frederick Mann
Is the private sector really part of the public sector? in many ways, yes...
"People in the private sector typically support government by...
Licensing rackets mean poor customer service (
Explore your subconscious with sentence stems:
A main psychological goal is to think for yourself and take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions
Another great psychological resource:
Subverting coercive nonsense: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
your Liberation Factor minus your Enslavement Factor equals your Freedom Quotient
When non-compliance is done surreptitiously, it's not as powerful a promoter of liberty as overt non-compliance coupled with a principled liberty message
"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." Dresden James
In the workplace environment we really need to try to operate in the free enterprise sector, in order to live with congruence
One of the stipulations of is to quit your governmental job or any affiliations with government
The Rejection of Liberty by Rick Flame
Taking governmental jobs and contracts is morally hazardous because it promotes the notion that initiatory force has a place in society
The people in government are caught in a paradigm of not behaving in a way that is morally consistent with what they know to be true: don't sacrifice others to self or self to others - one way to live freer
Treating people on equal (respectful) terms, regardless of what organization they're in, is the social goal
bumper music "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister

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