Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

Legalize Every Drug by John Stossel
Myths, lies, and downright stupidity of fear-ridden control freaks, so-called drug "warriors"
The liberty to make bad choices too
Trying to make a contradiction exist (government)
Why Have Governments? by Peter Namtvedt
"...a million men serving in wretchedness, their necks under the yoke..."
Fearing choices and obeying authoriteye
Five Ways to Survive Any Disaster by Jen Phillips (interview with survival researcher Amanda Ripley)
Government as perennial go-to organization during crisis!
Government-issued "crutches"
Information flow restricted by governmental "officials"
An Apolitical Approach To Libertarianism
Problematic concepts that one accepts as valid, e.g., sacrifice
Regardless of who you vote for, you're not getting what you want
Note to statists: Don't hit people and don't take their stuff
Libertarian voting...and then a miracle happens...
Nathaniel Branden's powerful sentence completion exercises
Liberty to me means--
Message to Ron Paul revolutionary candidates: The institutional framework of the State is for the purposes of statism
Coffee is actually okay (a long-term study reveals)
The One Minute Case For Individual Rights
bumper music "Whiskey Lullaby" by Alison Krauss Feat and Brad Paisley from A Hundred Miles Or More: A Collection album

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Rape by government; the nature of unsolicited "services"
Cooperation versus coercion
Imagine defending the statist position
Roping us into a collectivistic nation
My first introduction to libertarianism and its central flaw:
Libertarianism in One Lesson by David Bergland
Capitalism fosters good will; government fosters ill will
The Facts Of Reality: Logic And History In Objectivist Debates About Government by Professor Nicholas Dykes
The public relations scheme of statism (our protector and provider)
Can you be expected to obey unjust government?
Casting off the 'Santa Claus' of the State
Ayn Rand's contradiction of government - the coercive monopoly of the State
Competing justice agencies based on the principle of individual rights
Laissez-faire, A More Enlightened View Of Capitalism—And Its Contradictions
Preemptive initiation of force doctrine (i.e., imposing government on society)
Dealing with parking ticket Nazis and their irrational laws
The ultimate conflict of interest - government (the accuser) judging the case!
Thoreau: To follow unjust law makes one an agent of injustice
Dave Ridley, the Outlaw Puppeteer
bumper music "Don't Tread On Me" by Damn Yankees (fan site)

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Without responsibility there is chaos, i.e., government
A thread on the truther message board
Anarchy is personal responsibility
Rationalizations for State-run stuff, e.g., "education"
Free riders and unfree "services"
Turning the tables on the craziness
Learner-driven education
Ending thuggery in education and coerced payment for it
The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand Government
school "socialization" leads to gang warfare
The rapist in one's living room
Everyday Anarchy Part 3 of 7 by Stefan Molyneux
Why people CAN handle complete liberty
Why we must battle moral premises (or rather, immoral ones)
bumper music "One" from Inquisition Symphony by Apocalyptica

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Government is disorder; no government is order (and sanity)
This brilliant essay sums it up--from both an empirical/legal point of view as well as a logical one
"The Obviousness of Anarchy" by John Hasnas
bumper music "You Look Good To Me" by the Oscar Peterson Trio from We Get Requests album

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Direct download: Episode_19_-_The_Obviousness_of_Anarchy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:49pm EDT