Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

State created and supported assets will tend to become liabilities in a free market


The fundamental difference between a system of private property and so-called public property is that the former entails accountability, consent, and jurisdiction while the latter entails unjust coercion based on collectivistic abstractions


"private property" is a redundancy and "public property" is a contradiction in terms


Confessions of a Recovering Ideologue, Part I

His LRC archives


"State" doesn't exist; it's just a collectivistic abstraction


Property is just an extension of self-ownership


Individuals must use rationality to resolve things in a mutually beneficial fashion


Big picture timeline of humanity and innovation


Government operates based on collectivism and "might makes right"


Property brings about freedom; statism brings about slavery


bumper music "The Tide Is Turning" by Roger Waters


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The absurdity of "taxpayers"

One day, everything will be privately owned

Anarcho-Distributism by Daniel McCarthy

We'll never get rid of statism if present psychologies don't change

People demand justice services in concert with their concept (or misconception) of justice

A "republic" is based on the contradiction of "representation"

Business fits perfectly with the free market, with what people need and want

Parents typically contradict the wills of children; hence, we have government

A higher level of self-esteem is required for a free society to take hold

It's best to push away from the table of governmental "benefits"

Once people get the idea of good government out of their heads, peace and prosperity can happen

Libertarian Property and Privatization: An Alternative Paradigm by Kevin A. Carson

Property gleaned through statism is best left to the natural redistributive processes of supply and demand in the free market; no need to "take back" anything, to be a central planner

In a society of complete liberty, people will use land in ways valued by people in the marketplace

My recent "citation"...cops are basically illogical zombies who choose to enforce "the law" at the expense of individual rights

Public property is a contradiction in terms and must be abolished

bumper music "For America" by Jackson Browne

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Direct download: Episode_112_-_Property_rights_and_a_free_world.mp3
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