Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

Obedience to "authority" is a main factor in our political enslavement
There should be no contradictions in the realm of politics, yet self-ownership isn't recognized by governments
Government is allegedly designed to protect you and provide for you, but at whose expense?
Businesses in the marketplace don't impose their services on customers; they offer and revise their offerings according to customer desires
"Public good" and "free rider" arguments are based on economic falsehoods--and immoral premises
If you weren't threatened with fines, incarceration and other punishments for not paying taxes, would you pay them?
Collectivistic memes support unjust services such as the "military," which is funded via extortion and enslaves its own "employees"
Employers and employees are not slaves and masters; each can discontinue their relationship at any time for any reason
When people aren't allowed to opt out, daily rights-violations are perpetrated with impunity
Those involved in the authoritarian nature of government don't take responsibility for their immoral and unjust actions
As government grows, people blank out the essentials and avoid making moral distinctions even more
Scientists are notorious for blanking out regarding issues and ideas of immorality and injustice
Once again, the obedience meme is keeping us enslaved
Why do so many rational individuals allow so much of their lives to be controlled by the threats and coercion of those in government?
A disrespectful family environment tends to deny self-ownership and leads to enslaved "citizens"
Stop saying "Please"! by Larken Rose
The sordid political tale of the Boston Tea Party...
The concept of individual rights is key to understanding the nature of rights-violations
We are made of star stuff, and as conceptual beings, we need to realize the implications of reason in relation to rights
Violent resistance won't destroy the authoritarian/obedience meme
Civil disobedience entails demanding that your rights be respected, with firmness and no slavespeak
"Police officers" are criminals themselves to the extent that they "make" money via extortion and work for the coercive monopoly of government
The jurisdiction to search for evidence of a crime (actual wrongdoing) naturally stems from property rights; owners have jurisdiction; cops don't
Freedom should be our highest value (assuming good physical and psychological health)
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In order for Free Staters ( to achieve freedom, they need to see disobeying unjust "laws" and demanding respect for individual rights as virtuous
Resignation to the political status quo (obeying unjust "laws") is not the answer
To try to use government to get rid of government is not the answer either
Those in government don't care about individuals, but they do care about being seen as legitimate
Politics "works" by destroying people's lives
As long as we consider disobedience (and its consequences) less moral and less practical than obedience, we'll never achieve complete liberty
People who derive benefits from government are engaged in a ethical contradiction
The moral/practical dichotomy is the main deterrent to living an authentic and principled life, as well as a major impediment to experiencing freedom
If you're not respecting other people, you're not respecting yourself (and vice versa)
People in government essentially fear operating in the free market, i.e., acting in a voluntary fashion
Once a certain level of self-esteem is attained, there's no felt "need" to sacrifice others for your own sake
Governmental "law" is legalized, concretized authoritarian sociopathy
If the people in government actually trusted their own judgments, they would have no desire to control others
Visit for more about his books
Beyond Rand by Jim Davies (review of Larken's The Iron Web)
We don't need mass civil disobedience to pierce the false veil of legitimacy of "government"
Most people are complying with governmental injustices on account of fear of not complying, not out of any serious dedication to collectivistic self-sacrifice
Small, yet supportive groups of complete liberty lovers dedicated to speaking the plain political truth can embolden people with common sense
Pop behaviorism (operant conditioning) permeates our society, as noted by Alfie Kohn:
There are no rational or valid arguments for maintaining legalized coercive monopolies that violate individual rights
Fear, threats, and violence are what those in government rely on to promote their propaganda of perceived legitimacy
The only way that authoritarian sociopaths can live with themselves (as they follow fools' orders) is to believe that they're doing good and thus appearing righteous, as nabbers of the bad guys
An uncompromising moral stance is needed for achieving your freedom, which is forwarded via non-compliance
Arguments for governmental "laws" cannot stand logical scrutiny
Once the entire market is marketized--owned by individuals--people will live fully as human beings, according the rational rules
bumper music "Take The Power Back" by Rage Against The Machine

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The purpose of talking about the negativity of politics is to create a better world for everyone
The moral double standard of government must be challenged
People comply all the time for all kinds of reasons
"Agents of the State" do not work for us; they work for those "in charge"
Cops: America's one and only--by force!
A legalized monopoly on police force will always use that force against you
Public property leads to making victims out of all of us, by "agents of the State"
Impounding equals theft equals extortion racket
Many "businesses" collude with those in government and use the force of the State to make money
The goal of government is to maintain obedience (in order to "make" money and keep control)
In traditional education, kids are managed, watched, and told what to do by those who presume to be "authorities" over them, which leads directly to statism
Arbitrary enforcement of unjust laws makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Typical "news" stories don't have truth and freedom in mind
Government as Jabba the Hut...
Episode 3: A Young Person's Guide to the American Political System
The illusion of freedom is fostered on multiple fronts in multiple ways
The "authority" of the family--i.e., the head of household--has always held sway and generated the fear mechanism
By what right, standard, and code do you presume to rule over me?
It's incumbent on parents to see their kids as equally deserving of respect
Unschooling principles are based on a mutually respectful code of morality
And kids who are unschooled according to rational moral principles won't tolerate tyranny as adults
Each generation is within reach of complete liberty; it's just a matter of how much of your life you want to take back that has been stolen from you
"Public property" is a contradiction in terms, and a sure-fire way for authoritarian sociopaths to treat others unjustly
Our distinct lack of freedom is the issue and idea of our age...
The common denominator of socio-economic problems is government, and the irrational/unjust memes fostering it
Hernando de Soto's misguided ideas about property rights
The illusion of property rights serves the interests of those in power to essentially harvest the products of the free-range slaves
Lack of understanding in economics and human motivation leads to fears about exploitation by property owners
Re-educate thyself in the nature of freedom:
Feel free to rate and review CLP...
The fundamental difference between Marxism and Objectivism (property understood and applied) is logic
Most philosophers throughout history have denied the validity of the senses and thus forward illogical epistemology
Do you think that freedom should be the highest value for human beings?
Reason, purpose, and self-esteem all require freedom
Both personal and political freedom are necessary to live a life proper to a human being
Rationalizations for statist memes serve as sick substitutes for genuine choices in a free marketplace
The founders of Sudbury Valley School unfortunately incorporated "democratic" statism into an unschooling school (free school) environment -
Being told that you have "a voice" in a democracy is basically saying that you don't exist as a respectable person
The obedience meme is widespread, even among the liberty movement
Some have decided NOT to obey - Lauren Canario Eminent Domain Arrest (in 2005)
Is the lack of freedom in your life preferable to experiencing the consequences of living freely?
With the moral code of altruism, there is no end to the sacrifices and thus rationalizations
Only a tireless disobedient minority (of agorist intellectuals) can accelerate the process of achieving complete liberty
If you're not doing anything to protest the injustices of those in government, and if you're not demanding better behavior, nothing is going to change
Lots of wealthy businesspersons "legally" try to pay as little taxes as possible, which concedes the immoral premise of statism and emboldens statist oppressors
Civil disobedience--based on the principle of self-ownership and property rights--is the moral thing to do, because individuals should be respected
"Under a government which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison." H.D.T.
Reacting violently to political oppressors not only plays into the hands (fists and guns) of the authoritarian sociopaths, but it also leaves the authoritarian/obedience memes intact
Nothing trumps your mind, volition, and life
The greatest motivation and benefit of defying unjust demands is internal
Those who believe that they are moral must come to terms with enslaving and incarcerating rights-respecting individuals
Supporters, video cameras and the Internet are the primary methods of showing the immoral and unjust behavior of governmental "officials" (and shaming them)
Complying--remaining libertarian talkers--makes it seem as if injustice isn't happening
Stefan Molyneux's contrary messages:
If we believe that it's moral and practical to obey, then neither those in government (nor bullies) will change their behavior as a consequence
You're never going to get a significant fraction of people on board the liberty movement unless you do disobey, and incur the consequences of the code of immorality that's being foisted on people
Violent resistance to governmental "officials" unjust demands basically would lead to your death and their death, and perhaps death of the liberty movement
The authoritarian/obedience meme has existed for centuries--but it's time to evolve, and it would be a shame if we didn't
Check out the activism in Keene, NH -
Freedom Roundtable - 2009 Liberty Forum -
In America, we have the rhetoric and pretense of freedom
The next-step challenge is to get rid of the behavioral contradictions, to walk the talk
All those in governmental schools need to listen to Brett's School Sucks Podcast -
The horrible injustice perpetrated on Irwin Schiff:
Peter Schiff on his father, Irwin Schiff -
The immoral man whose job Schiff wants -
The IRS is an institution that is evil to the core--they aggress against rights-respecting persons and their property
Even if you're fully educated about complete liberty, as long as you comply with tyrannical attitudes, nothing really changes for the better
For the convenience of the government, and on account of his heroic efforts, Daniel is no longer part of the Navy:
War is the health of the State, and the State promotes war, first and foremost on "it's citizens" via taxation and regulation
bumper music "Rise Above" by Black Flag (and Intro: "Richard Feynman: Disrepect for Authority" )

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People protest a lot of things about government, but rarely its monopolization of so-called justice
Governmental tyranny boils down to violating property rights
If those in government were truly concerned about your rights, they wouldn't be the first ones to infringe on them
The epic myth of Libertarian slavery by Kevin Joseph Tull
BIG UPDATE regarding Daniel's enslavement in the Navy (HE'S BEEN RELEASED):
Military contracts are invalid, as they are not based on freedom
GTMO prisoners who are depraved of due process are used as a tool for political fear-mongering
The U.S. military, via politicians, creates blowback threats to Americans, while violating their (and others') property rights in the process
The real issue is the rights-violations perpetrated by those in government; government itself is the main problem regarding threats to our lives and well-being
Psych 101: Locking up individuals for years without any due process would naturally foster homicidal (and suicidal) thoughts in them
All rights originate from property, first and foremost self-ownership
Imagine government running the cell phone industry...of course, the FCC and lobbyists have done a number on it already
The FCC extortionist and regulatory racket, which ultimately costs consumers billions and results in greatly inferior services:
The fantasy of monopolistic justice will remain so
Returning to the four pieces of paper (the USC) won't fix the moral contradiction of government
You cannot be required to obey a contract once you disagree with it, which would be acting as if you no longer have volition
In other words, you can't sign--and bind yourself to--a valid contract without your consent throughout the entire contractual term
Walter Block's monstrous contractual contradiction: Privatizing Rivers and Voluntary Slave Contracts by Walter Block (links to his other papers within)
Using volition to deny volition involves concept-stealing:
You have to be exercising volition in order to keep a contract, so a contract of enslavement is both unjust and epistemologically absurd
Clarity of concepts is key...
People who use, or advocate the use of, initiatory force against others (or even themselves) exempt themselves from rational, volitional discussion
Excluding competition in the realm of justice is itself a form of injustice -
Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me so much? by samadamscw
Jan Helfeld checkmates Bill Richardson on Government and Rights
Stefan Molyneux checkmates Jan Helfeld on the contradictions of minarchism:
No one possesses the right to initiate force against others, so it can't be delegated to those in government either
Miniarchism is statism in principle, so advocating it means that the irrational, immoral, unjust meme of government remains intact
Dear Robert Ringer, by Carl Watner
Bill of Law by Michael van Notten -
Root striking Hans Hoppe:
Either you have property rights or you don't; public property is a contradiction in terms
When government exists, disobedience is the ultimate crime
Once the "legitimacy" of government is shattered, the people in it have nothing left but violence (just like a petty thug on the street)
"The mark of a truly civilized society should be 'the triumph of persuasion over force'" C.W.
If you advocate coercion, you're advocating a worse off life for yourself
Let's have protection without violation of our rights!
Fears, lack of trust, and obedience to authority all contribute to pseudo self-esteem and controlling others
Government is the last link in the corrupt philosophical chain, representing a culture of mediocrity
What's good for the individual is good for the collective, but not vice versa
Brett's new educational podcast and site - and
Visit for more info from Daniel
True justice agencies will focus on restoring victims, not creating them
To buy a print edition of CL, visit:
bumper music "You Want What We Got" by Twisted Sister

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Taking Marriage Private by Stephanie Coontz
The Psychology of Romantic Love by Nathaniel Branden
The Romantic Love Question and Answer Book by Nathaniel and Devers Branden
Madison’s Folly by Thomas L. Knapp
Humans are volitional creatures that choose to do good or bad things, based on their values
Are free staters angels of liberty?
Cutting the parasite of government down to a minimal size doesn't extinguish its tyranny
The unjust power to tax inherently creates unaccountability and irresponsibility
The ability to participate in government doesn't lesson the inherent tyranny of government
People use a selective filter when viewing the nature of the American government, due mainly to "public schools"
Democracies sacrifice the smallest minority, the individual, to the "agendas" of the collective
American "law enforcers" are no different than Hitler's SS if individuals accosted by them resist their aggression
The Ominous Parallels: A Brilliant Study of America Today - and the 'ominous parallels' with the chaos of pre-Hitler Germany by Leonard Peikoff
Dealing With Friends and Family Who Don’t Get It by Paul Rosenberg
Stefan Molyneux and Larken Rose on The Peter Mac Show
The two potent defense mechanisms of denial and rationalization prevent people from realizing political truths
Kids are expected to sacrifice their rational faculty to various mythologies
Extremely disrespectful parental behavior such as spanking or other types of punishment also reflects low self-esteem
Fear of disobeying perceived legitimate "authority" leads to mass political compliance
Parents can empathize with children's needs via self-esteem-building exercises
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden
The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori
Between Parent and Child - The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized Parent-Child Communication by Haim Ginott
Pseudo self-esteem tied to politics and political "leaders" fosters denial of self-responsibility and perpetuation of the statist status quo
Being ruled and being "part of the system" is a precarious mental house of cards
Having an opinion that contradicts rationality and individual rights, i.e., statism, isn't morally acceptable
Threats of initiatory force (clear and present dangers) warrant self-defensive measures
Militarism avoids widespread domestic governmental tyranny; it distracts people from the real enemy of their freedoms
It your relationship isn't based on respect, it's merely a pretense at a relationship, and harmful to your life and well-being
Try to find the rationality in people who are resistant to freedom, but don't tolerate being verbally attacked for advocating freedom
See the promotion of statism as a self-esteem issue
Unconditional love denies responsibility, accountability, and rational judgment
DANIEL'S SITE (with the latest updates):
MHD interview with Daniel:
bumper music "Help Save the Youth of America" by Billy Bragg

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