Mon, 30 March 2009
Complete liberty is about getting rid of the authoritarian/obedience memes that foster government Coercion and altruism both lead to self-sacrifice All About Greed by Sheldon Richman "as long as self-interest is held to be morally corrupt, the market order will be suspect." Is there a rational definition of greed? Wanting more, not less--when one takes responsibility for profits and losses "If we can't trust people with freedom, how can we trust them with power?" S.R Government is appeasement of, by, and for the irresponsible The ethical doctrine of sacrifice (of self to others and others to self) distorts the concepts of greed and selfishness Greed With John Stossel part 1 of 6 Step It Up! by Tyson Russell Lower your tolerance for evil; don't let it win by default Any sort of behavior that runs counter to a voluntary system (in which individuals make their own choices) is evil and wrong Objectivism is the philosophy for living on Earth; it's based on the facts of reality and the nature of humans (reasoning beings) Government is the opposite of respect, the opposite of rationality Property is how people manifest their values and trade with others Psychology of ownership is key The fundamental choice is to make one's philosophy explicit and define the terms objectively and logically, or not and advocate some variant of disrespect and statism Solutions by Larken Rose also read by Ian of FTL - Violence can't kill bad ideas, namely the bad idea of statism: "To wit, the American Revolution ended up creating the largest extortion racket and the most powerful standing army in the history of the world." L.R. We don't need the permission of rights-violators in order to be free--no need to make sacrifices to the horrible volcano of the State Government can't be reformed; there's no such thing as a "nice master"; no one has to be "in charge" in a free market "You have to work within the system" is the mantra forwarded by statists and enslaved peasants (even some anarchists, unfortunately) Actions of self-preservation in a statist world must be distinguished from sanction of the victim It's all about freeing your mind from the authoritarian/obedience memes "The greatest weapon the oppressor has is the mind of the oppressed." Steven Biko Statist thugs' "authority" only exists in the minds of those they dominate Callers (e.g., Kurt) logically explained the ills of voting to the hosts of FTL starts at 1:09:45 - starts at 1:18:55 - Might does not make right; majority doesn't rule; the end (liberty) doesn't justify the (coercive) means Trying to work within government to get rid of government doesn't promote the idea of voluntarism; rather, it fosters perceived legitimacy in the very system that is actually illegitimate Since government relies on extortion to survive, its various "employees" necessarily sanction its existence Imagine an outspoken anarchist saying: I won't take the position you elect me to; actually, I seek to abolish it immediately (if not sooner)! Participating in voting and elections is simply playing by the rules of statists; it's also part of the "legal" process by which people are plundered Noncompliance and re-education (e.g., are keys to libertarian success Carbon Nanotube Muscles Strong as Diamond, Flexible as Rubber By Brandon Keim bumper music "Sirens" by Authority Zero
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Mon, 23 March 2009
The Liberty Forum ( Exploring the many paths to liberty...and taking the objectively valid one The key educational path of unschooling ( It's important for new intellectuals to challenge the contradictory philosophies of present intellectuals, so that truth and mutual respect can prevail in society An objective ethics (values and virtues) demands the best of everyone How Do You Divorce Your Government? by Russell D. Longcore Are we witnessing the battered spouse syndrome, wit large?--more like children abused by domineering parents; Mommy/Daddy Government presides over our lives "Citizens" allegedly have a duty of allegiance to the State, in return for the "State's" protection--both of which are utterly false notions; search on YouTube: Liberty Forum 2009 Marc Stevens Do rights exist? Well, do freedoms exist? Or how about justice? All these concepts are valid and identify proper behavior As long any person disagrees with the political structure and are forced to comply anyway, that political structure is unjust and immoral Americans have never experienced complete liberty; there was never, ever a "happy marriage"; and, government is never chosen like a spouse is chosen, so the battered spouse analogy is less accurate than the obedient child/domineering parent model Those in the institution of government benefit from creating victimless crimes Intellectuals who are supported by statism don't want to bite the hand that feeds them, which is explained in the following book: How (Not) To Achieve Freedom by Stefan Molyneux I’ve Evolved … into an Anarchist by George Donnelly The magnificent PR campaign of government, making victims look like criminals! The thugs in government aren't the only problem; those who aid and abet governmental memes are just as problematic How to Be a Successful Tyrant: The Megalomaniac Manifesto by Larken Rose Kicking the Dragon (Confessions of a Tax Heretic) by Larken Rose There is no hope for "reforming" government; institutionalized, unjust coercion must be abolished, not reformed Statists realize that trying to reform government into something that upholds liberty is futile Words of Kryptonite for the statist and for statism: I do not consent Those who choose not to respect others and their property ought to leave or be incarcerated No person has the right to nullify another's choices; choosing to deny choice is contradictory Who owns you? Glenn Jacob's ( answer: George Donnelly's stellar to-do list: "Study the works of authors such as Lysander Spooner, Samuel Edward Konkin III and Murray Rothbard. End my membership in the LP and BTP. Cease all donations to political parties, candidates or organizations that participate in the electoral process. Hand over de facto control of the LP Transparency Caucus and shadow bylaw and platform committees to someone else (if anyone even wants them). I will also be ending the 'My LP' and Libertarian Party Candidates projects. Search for ways to work for greater liberty, without supporting governments. Evaluate all of my activities with the goal of ending any and all support for governments. Actively withdraw my consent from governments." If people acted on their own like those in government, they'd be put in jail by governmental workers Obama secretly ends program that let pilots carry guns Parade Of Interchangeable Starlets Delights U.S. Populace We need to see life as it should be and ought to be; we need fuel for the soul Heroism is demanded of us to foster a better world FDR1233 Free Will, Determinism And Self Knowledge - Part 1 What would aliens think of humans' beloved moral/political contradiction of government? Humans are presently unenlightened There are no necessary evils; evil is always unnecessary bumper music "Hey World" by Michael Franti & Spearhead
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Sun, 15 March 2009
Mercatus Center at George Mason University - Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom by William P. Ruger and Jason Sorens A coercive State, i.e., government, will never respect people's rights A limited government can't stay limited for long What would happen if Libertarians got elected? What sort of "work" would they be doing? Basically, they would be employees of an unjust organization; case in point: NH legislators have busy schedule for 2009 What's the purpose of government if not to govern people! Because government funds itself through extortion, every person who works for it is supporting extortion No product or service should be provided at the barrel of a gun (hat tip to Civil disobedience, or non-compliance, prevents tyranny from overwhelming a society The media are typically cheerleaders for statism, i.e., tyranny Left/Right distinction is tenuous, but taxation, regulation, and "programs" are always anti-freedom Case in point: Trans Fats Banned in NYC Restaurants All of the several American states violate Americans' freedoms Can personal satisfaction and fulfillment occur without freedom? Are our bodies disconnected from our minds? We must beware the mind/body dichotomy concerning pleasure You can't be a slave to your job or to money, but you are made a slave by those in "government" If people didn't comply with taxation and regulation, they'd quickly determine how little freedom they have YouTube - 20/20 bailouts and bull The Middle Class Is Doing Just Fine, Thank You by John Stossel The nature of sacrifice Sacrifice is used as a weapon against individuals to get them to surrender their self-esteem, autonomy, and independence to other people (the selfish ones;) Jesus, making the ultimate sacrifice, promoted the philosophy of death No matter how difficult it is to make money in a mixed economy, an extortion racket will never be charitable or encourage self-responsibility True slavery comes from the guns of government The several states are cannibalizing their own economies What would be the point of moving to a slightly freer US state? Perhaps for organizing and doing smart activism (e.g., DEA to halt medical marijuana raids: Holder confirms states to have final say on use of drug for pain control Medical MJ "reality check" from Mordor: California Medical Marijuana Information Exactly How Legal Is Medical Marijuana? by Madeleine Brand Liquor and statist hypocrisy; Lew Rockwell interviews Dr. Mark Thornton We as a society need to understand and apply a universal code of respectful morality: don't hit people and don't take their stuff; honor persons and property Really the only thing that should be illegal is the initiation of force (via coercion or fraud) Capitalism favors mutually beneficial interaction, which will eventually dissolve all arbitrary statist borders Against the State: An Introduction to Anarchist Political Theory by Crispin Sartwell Played this short interview: Anarchist Philosopher Does Not Consent To Be Governed! Worth watching: The Talk Show, Episode 3 Voting is contrary to the agorist, voluntarist philosophy; might doesn't make right; majority doesn't rule; committees don't determine objective principles If we got rid of the violence that we know (government), will we thereby invite the violence and injustice that we don't know? In short, no, because all unjust violence will be seen as illegitimate and thus targeted for eradication Are you hopeful for the realization of freedom? I am. :) People need to make moral distinctions between wealth and extorted wealth, coercive organizations and the non-coercive marketplace, as well as challenge "authority" bumper music "Chimes Of Freedom" by The Byrds
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Sun, 8 March 2009
Without property rights, no other rights are possible Applying self-ownership in a consistent fashion means complete liberty Time for a Trim? by Jim Davies The principle of self-ownership is axiomatic and irrefutable, for any attempt to deny it requires utilizing it Government has been around for centuries, running on the pr scheme that they are our protectors and providers (as they violate individual rights) So, it's important to strike at the root, i.e., dispense with the idea of government itself, so unjust coercion doesn't remain institutionalized ‘Going Galt’: Everyone’s Doing It! By Eric Etheridge Who is John Galt? Modern intellectuals don't have a moral clue Taxation and regulation are violations of your freedom to choose and act as an individual Essentially, your mind should not be enslaved to other minds The nature of romantic realism in fiction requires the portrayal of humans as they might be or ought to be (as Aristotle noted) Galt's main message: Live for your own sake, based on reason and reality, not for the sake of "others"--don't sacrifice What would make you want to stop paying a group of thugs extortion money and stop obeying their regulations? Could Eddie Willers ever have taken a moral stand against tyranny and self-sacrifice like John Galt did? Statism asks that we sacrifice ourselves to collectivistic abstractions that prevent people from taking responsibility for evil actions; communized anything is bad Going John Galt basically entails focusing on what's going to enlighten fellow human beings and encourage them to stand up for their own dignity--and to defy "authority" Something to ask "authorities": Other than threats of physical violence, what is the nature of the relationship between individuals and those in government? "Conservatives" vs. "Liberals" by Ayn Rand Both conservatives (mystics of spirit) and liberals (mystics of muscle) hold the lethal premise of the mind/body dichotomy "...each camp wants to control the realm it regards as metaphysically important; each grants freedom only to the activities it despises." (A.R.) Neither camp rejects the slave/master dynamic Who Will Build the Slave Roads? by Dale Everett What percent of a slave are you? Well, when you don't own yourself and property free and clear, you're one-hundred percent a slave! "Until no one else has first dibs on your productivity, and until you are supporting yourself and making your own decisions about your own life, you are 100% a slave." (D.E.) Successful businesspersons trick themselves into thinking that they aren't 100% slaves; yet, they continuously obey governmental edicts "Government roads are a necessity for modern slaves. They are slave roads." "When you’ve been trained to be a slave your entire life, it can be scary to imagine life as a free person, but I encourage you to try." (D.E.) bumper music "Whose Authority" from "Lucky" (2008) album by Nada Surf
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Sun, 1 March 2009
Are We All Socialists Now? Not at All by Robert Higgs Is socialism as dead as the dodo? Its new guise as participatory fascism Authoritarian sociopaths are always on the lookout for new ways to blame the marketplace and go where they haven't gone before with coercive programs, be they in education, energy, or health care Authoritarian sociopaths engage in a constant process of breaking things and then breaking more things while trying to "fix" them Two of the wealthiest participatory fascists: Bill Gates and Warren Buffet Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Talk With UNL Students About Much More Than Money by Steve Jordon, Omaha World-Herald, Neb. Authoritarian sociopaths waste the loot they steal from those who don't waste it (productive people) People are hoodwinked via indoctrination and propaganda--and many pick the low-hanging fruit of governmental jobs and contracts Dreaded participatory fascism health-care headlines: What would happen if people kept their money away from the authoritarian sociopathic programs? By what right, standard, or code can some people presume to "let" other individuals makes their own choices? No right, an unjust standard, and an immoral code Government delivers the lowest possible quality at the highest possible price Not only does the emperor have no clothes--there is no such thing as emperor! Because governmental action is based on coercion and involuntary interaction, no good can come from it; rational minds require choice to function The mainstream media gives you only a fraction of the info you need to make informed decisions A 'Rebel' With A Cause on (Michelle Muccio ) The problem of libertarian concessions to consistent statists is hindering the progression to freedom Each of us exists for our own sake, not for the sake of the State or "others" At the end of the day, Ron Paul is a politician; he writes in "earmarks" to bring home loot to his "constituents" in his "district" and concedes the statist premise of Constitutional government Immigration Reform in 2006? by Ron Paul (statist insanity!) In Defense of Ron Paul’s Earmarks by Eric Phillips (who thinks sound principles can be fudged) Are "the masses" willing to accept personal responsibility? Higgs says "No" CLP says "Yes" In truth, a minority of the American population, the so-called intellectuals and the authoritarian sociopaths are the ones who are unwilling to accept personal responsibility Further reading: Freedom—An Intellectual Issue A mixed economy confuses the moral issues and ideas in the statist extortion and regulation rackets Philosophers and intellectuals aren't using the method of non-contradictory identification (logic) in ethics and politics one wit The host doesn't need to parasites to survive and thrive; we don't need them (those in government) to survive and thrive Today's America is running on prior capital, which today's level of statism is unapologetically consuming Slumdog Millionaire winning awards is an indication or how morally bankrupt our culture is--the portrayal of wallowing in poverty, filth, and wretched contentment, coupled with rampant immorality and injustice Political systems throughout the world are impoverishing whole countries Is America Number One? by John Stossel (which includes inspecting the differences in starting and running a business in Hong Kong, Calcutta, and NYC--though all within the statist paradigm, in which you don't live for your own sake) Widespread panhandling is an example of what government does to economies We don't need anyone hindering our choices or offering us tax dollars (extorted loot), essentially creating barriers to entry to the wealth of a truly free market Sitting in traffic is an illustration of the highway to hell paved by governmental employees Authoritarian sociopaths don't care about your life satisfaction, though they do care about keeping you enslaved Complete liberty asks that you demand the best in your life If individuals aren't being respected, you don't have a respectful society More participatory fascism: Genentech pushes more diagnostic-test regulation Galaxy has 'billions of Earths' bumper music "Everyday" by Authority Zero
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