Complete Liberty Podcast
Show that promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice--amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.

People and their property are politically enslaved by coercive government
Obedience to "authority" in the family and the classroom are the roots of our enslavement
Most of what people understand about government they learned in elementary school
American governmental mythologies are pounded into kids' heads in school
Why We Couldn't Abolish Slavery Then and Can't Abolish Government Now by Robert Higgs
"If you don't like it, you can leave" is merely collectivistic slavespeak
The "government" doesn't own anything
People and their property shouldn't be pushed around on "public property"
Governmental laws violate individual rights, in defiance of natural law principles
Authoritarian sociopaths in government resort to violence against the non-compliant
A story of barroom allegations...
Ultimately, the barrel of a gun is the method of attaining obedience from the resistant
Underlying the pretenses of slaves and authoritarians is fear, fear of self-realization and self-reliance and fear of others
When people refer to "the sheeple," they are oftentimes projecting their own mindset
Many people have become sponges for other people's horrible ideas
People in the communistic organization known as government claim to know best for everyone else
Denial of self-responsibility is the essence of representative government
Your so-called "representative" likely doesn't even know that you as an individual exist
Government tries to turn people into unthinking rather than thinking animals by treating them like a herd
Lysander spooner had some wise words about accountability in relation to those who presume to govern others...
The Nature Of Present Government -
Government is a euphemism for slavery by Kent McManigal
"Countries" are essentially collectivistic abstractions created by governments to rule people
Trying to get freedom by involving yourself in government is morally contradictory
Florida man spends three months in jail for possession of breath mints
Statist judges violate individual rights on a daily basis
The myth of using the system to change the system...
Try to change a small coercive gang first before trying to change government
The system of government is not worth working in; one shouldn't try to work for a rights-violating institution
The moral is the practical and vice versa
Involving oneself in electoral politics (might makes right) is contradicting a rational moral code; the end (freedom) doesn't justify the means (coercion via illegitimate government)
Seeing the nature of the matrix entails thinking for oneself and thinking critically
Statist propaganda spans the globe, fostering self-denying collectivism
Government is the opposite of peace and happiness; it's based on the idea that it's good to exploit others
Having low self-esteem makes one vulnerable to obeying and legitimizing any would-be "authority"
the matrix is the state
Government wasn't created as an answer to prehistoric and historic problems of aggression and violence; it's just a more powerful way to promote them
Children must be seen as independent and conceptual little people, worthy of respect
Brett's educational podcast -
Daniel's site (with podcast) -
bumper music "Happiness In Slavery" by Nine Inch Nails

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Judge sentences man to 6 months for yawning in court
Judges wield their power to initiate force against people
Our fellow political slaves are oftentimes the biggest hindrance to achieving freedom
A "republic" is just another form of statism--treating individuals in an involuntary fashion
Most fellow political slaves represent the ideas they were taught in governmental schools
For instance, most say that we need "good rulers" or political "leaders"
Political "leaders" thrive on arbitrary and involuntary collectives of people
Statist falsehoods such as "implicit contract" and "consent of the governed" are the mainstays of political slaves
It's important to follow the money trail in the so-called court system
Lawyers filter out any and all critical thinkers with peremptory challenges
The so-called legal system in America is communistic and tribal in nature
Statist judges and lawmakers are drunk on power, coercive and monopolistic power
Public property is a contradiction in terms that facilitates all the statist nonsense
Governmental courts have no jurisdiction because they directly violate property rights
The only rights are private property rights, i.e., individual rights
Authoritarianism seeks to control the most basic functions of people's lives
The orders in the court mimic the orders in the classroom
All governmental courts are kangaroo courts, in which unjust authority reigns, without individuals' consent
Go to to read comments by statist slaves to free stater posts about tactics of non-compliance
Justice agencies in a free market would honor individual rights
The only reason to take someone to court is on account of a rights violation
The purpose of law and justice in a free society is to right any wrongs perpetrated by aggressors
To question things about statism is to stand apart from the collective
Ignorance of natural and objective law (based on natural rights) is no excuse! Initiating aggression is wrong
Admitting to wrongdoing is not something that pretentious and authoritarian people tend to do
Seeking real justice in a statist society is nearly impossible; all that can be done is shaming the wrongdoers, informing others of the illegitimacy of the "court system," and not obeying their rights-violating edicts
Arizona Judge Tells Sheriff "Reveal Password Or Face Contempt"
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, authoritarian sociopath par excellence -
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: The Fascist Face of the Drug War -
How to Survive Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Jail System -
The Murder of Scott Norberg -
Ernest Hancock interviews Lew Rockwell and MHD guys, and tells stories about AZ police state nonsense
July 23 -  July 24 -
Any organization that funds itself through taxation is invalid
Any monopoly provides the lowest quality service at the highest possible price
You don't have to do civil disobedience to speak the truth about "government"
The more one asserts one's individuality, the more one understands the nature of freedom and oppression
The less one asserts one's mind and life, the more the illusion of freedom is maintained
If you are worthy of happiness, then it's just a natural thing to assert yourself and respect others
Reason, purpose, and self-esteem are key values; rationality, productiveness, and pride are their corresponding virtues
Polycentric Order: On Slavery by Philip Hayes
Involuntary servitude is invalid, whether or not there's a contract
There is no such thing as partial slavery; in the realm of statism, you're either a slave or you're not
Who owns you? Who are you the property of? Yourself
No "service" should be provided at the point of a gun
The solution to slavery is of course realizing your freedom (via property rights)
Crime simply won't pay in a society of complete liberty
You must respect yourself enough to respect others in a voluntary society
The vast majority of people don't initiate force, even under statism
People learn a very distorted view of human nature in governmental schools
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Most people have a very difficult time admitting flaws in their codes of morality
Being consistent and persistent with those resistant to truth and respectful morality is key
The public relations scheme of government provides ample evidence of its worthlessness
bumper music "Clampdown" by The Clash

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Mobile Authority Resistance Vehicle and crew get harassed by border nazis
Captured Audio Reveals What Border Agents Think of MHD, Gun Owners & Testicles
Uniformed individuals disguise themselves in the cloak of virtue--that "gvmt is our protector"
NEW PODCAST BY BRETT - SchoolSucks Podcast: The END of Public Education
Upwards of ninety percent of Americans are indoctrinated to not question "authority" in governmental schools
Lewis Black's Root of All Evil
American Idol vs. High School - Opening Statements
American Idol vs. High School - Oswalt on High School
Unschooling parents understand that kids need to take responsibility and make their own choices
If you're not allowed to have freedom when you're a kid, how will you embrace freedom as an adult?
When your young mind is controlled by others, your decision-making ability is seriously compromised
Self-governing capitalism fosters self-regulation and self-responsibility
Statism fosters mass compliance and thus more acts of authoritarianism
A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment Conducted at Stanford University
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip Zimbardo
The tribal premise is still culturally predominant, which includes tactics of collective punishment
Stop Signs and Liberty by Jeffrey A. Tucker
The stop sign as a metaphor for the State
The more people reflexively obey the "authorities," the faster we devolve into a police State
There is no such thing as "citizens" or "States," so there exists no duties of allegiance or protection
Governmental "enforcement" attracts essentially control freaks who seek to dominate others and not honor property rights
Cases in point:
The military, rather than protecting us, is really protecting their own
Mexican gun control evils -
Conversing with a believer in government and liberty, curious about voluntaryism
It is not "our government"; one must beware collectivistic possessive pronouns
Everything the communists in government provide becomes the literal road to hell
Competition, coopetition, and cooperation all factor into providing highly accessible products and services of good value
Without control of the highways and byways, the way of life of coercive people ends rather abruptly
In for example Massachusetts, even road maintenance is beyond the capabilities of government
We don't know the optimal way for roads until they're marketized
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion by Michael Cloud
Arguments from effect and arguments from morality can both be employed, but the moral argument is key
Ultimately, an individual's relationship to "authority" is the crux of the argument
Ask basic questions about how a person was treated by "authorities" during childhood and their feelings about it
Advocates of statism commonly identify with their oppressors
Collectivism, statism, and tribalism all deny the rights and fundamental needs of individuals
Statism is arguably the worst form of collectivism/tribalism because it coerces people
Even if you believe that humans are violent and dangerous, that is yet another argument against government
People in power basically fulfill their prophecy of the badness of humanity
Governments are the modern incarnation of the violence historically perpetrated by society's thugs
A Fable for Our Times By One of the Unreconstructed by Murray N. Rothbard
If you want a voluntary society, you can start by freeing up your personal relationships
Speak the truth and strike the root with a principled message
If you can't opt out, then you can't legitimately opt in -
Protection is a realm of service that should not be exempt from the laws of economics and basic morality
There's no such thing as protection through aggression!
bumper music "I Fought the Law" by Dead Kennedys

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Evil is the most unnecessary thing
Does evil come from our free will, as granted by "God"?
The concept of God can't be defined coherently
"God," a placeholder for good parents?
The people in power first used religion to control people
After the scientific revolution, they used determinism and behaviorism
The more correct knowledge you have, the better choices you tend to make
The Crucial Faculty Of Choice
The senses are valid means of acquiring knowledge via reason; anything else is contradictory
The metaphysical laws are needed to logically understand reality
Laws of identity, causality, and non-contradiction
Religions promote the principle of sacrifice in ethics
Individual rationality is sacrificed to religious doctrines and rituals
So few parents apologize for having their kids indoctrinated in religion and statism
Disobedience is punished in both religion and statism
"Laws" are based on operant conditioning, with punishment for breaking them
The carrots and sticks of statism don't treat people as reasoning beings
"God" and determinism are confessions of ignorance
Human consciousness is essentially a conceptual faculty (inextricably tied to volition)
The idea that you don't make choices is basically a really bad meme
Compatibilism reconciles brain causality with volition
Volition is a manifestation of causal properties in the brain in relation to its environment
We are autonomous, reasoning creatures that make our own choices
Our choices can't be determined by "society" or "government" or "God"
Both bad parenting and governmental schools stifle individual free will
Radical unschooling enables children to take responsibility and make their own choices
Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn
Posturing as the authority over another person's mind is a monstrous moral contradiction
Wealthy people tend to have even bigger rationalizations for goodness of government
The phrase "happy to pay taxes" is slavespeak for sanctioning evil
If various governmental "services" are wanted in a free market, they'll be chosen and funded voluntarily
Pragmatism is the dominant anti-philosophy in America, if not the world
Can anybody ever consent to the State? by Rad Geek
No government rules by consent, and no government possesses just powers
Taxation is simply extortion that enslaves individuals in society
The nature of evil is to initial force and destroy another's choices
People's reluctance to acknowledge tyranny is deeply psychological
The future of humanity resides within the child
bumper music "Freewill" by Rush

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After the Latest U.S. Airstrike, Can Anyone Wonder Why Do 'They' Hate Us? by Liliana Segura
War is the end of the chain of consequences of statism
Extortion and fiat currency inflation are the statist means to war
Terrorism arises from statism; it won't be defeated until statism is extinguished
The "war on terror" isn't about freedom or justice; it's a con game to deny people's freedoms
The Historical Societal Problem
Resorting to violence by Larken Rose
We live in a politically enslaved culture; people pretend they aren't slaves, as they slavishly obey
If government were would then become a justice agency that respects property rights
Government is the initiation of force
People in government don't own anything, so they have NO jurisdiction
Only smart acts of civil disobedience, coupled with education, will be able to appreciably change the status quo
Reason and reality prevail over violence and mythology
Just How Free Is the World’s Freest Economy? by John C. Goodman
"Free health care" whose expense?
Any and all governmental "benefits" are neither moral nor just--in addition to being terribly efficient
Property taxes mean that you don't own your property; those in government can seize it anytime
Voting to get goodies from government yields a giant welfare state
Voting destroys self-responsibility and free market prosperity
Humans must respect themselves enough to embrace and promote the ethics of liberty
Why I Write And Publish The Voluntaryist by Carl Watner
No people should presume to be authorities over your own mind and life
The "law" is something created by other human beings to control people; lawmakers have no understanding of individual rights and natural law--and therefore no understanding of justice
Philosophical enlightenment of our culture is key to successful change
bumper music "Masters Of War" by Bob Dylan

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